Sunday, June 7, 2009

Piano Recital

David had been doing great with the piano. He had his piano recital Saturday, June 6th. Here is him playing his song, See You Later Alligator.

Monday, April 13, 2009

David practicing piano again...he is learning about staccatos.


David hunting for eggs in the neighborhood egg hunt.

Sarah's egg hunt

Sarah showing off her "loot"

The four if us on Easter morning.

David and Sarah in their Easter best...will also be their wedding best in May.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Here's David practicing piano. He's pretty good for someone only playing since September.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Snow Days!

We have had an unusual December...lots of snow! We had more than 9 inches on the ground at one time and enjoyed a white Christmas. The snow is pretty much gone so we are back to normal for the most part...but we sure enjoyed the snow while it was here.
Our cul de sac turns into a sledding hill when the weather is right!

Out in the backyard after much of the snow had's almost up to their knees and the kids found it hard to walk.

Snow princess Sarah

Taking advantage of one of many snow days and we found a street to sled on. The snow wasn't really good sledding snow, however.

Sarah loved the was tasty!

Our house with the lights on in the snow...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

December Pictures

David out enjoying the snow! We only got one inch, but you would think it was a foot by how excited the kids were to get out and play in it.

Sarah playing in the snow during our recent big December Freeze!

The kids at the Christmas tree farm picking out our tree.